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Information after DrDoctor text messages and PIDMAS

31 October 2023


The James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has recently sent out almost 15,000 text messages to patients asking a question about whether they wanted to remain on our waiting list. 

Anyone who was not able to respond to the text will receive a letter in the post very shortly asking the same question.

In addition to this, a new national NHS England initiative will be happening from today, Tuesday 31 October, called PIDMAS (Patient Initiated Digital Mutual Aid System).

This will give certain patients who have been waiting over 40 weeks for an appointment, who do not have an appointment date within the next eight weeks, the option to ask for their care to be transferred to another hospital with a shorter wait.

Patients who are eligible will receive texts or letters advising them what to do if they would like to be considered for a move to an alternative hospital.

Please do not contact your GP practice or NHS hospital proactively regarding this offer. Eligible patients will be provided with more information in regards to the process.