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New stoma support group set up

31 October 2023


A new support group for patients who have a stoma has been set up and will now meet on a monthly basis at the Louise Hamilton Centre, on our hospital site.

This patient led group has been set up by Emma Tills, who has a stoma, and she’s encouraging others to join the group, which will meet either on a Friday afternoon or on Saturday each month for two hours.

Emma says; “The aim is to bring people together so they can have a chat in an informal setting – enjoying a tea, coffee and cake with others with a stoma and sharing experiences and any concerns.”

If you would like more information about the group please visit their Facebook page ‘Inside Out’; - or call our Stoma Team on 01493 452427.

Our photo shows Emma, centre, with Stoma Care nurses Helen and Becky at the first group meeting.

Emma with Stoma Care nurses Helen and Becky, who both wear dark blue specialist nurse uniforms. They stand behind a table with cakes and coffee on it. Red cupboards are visible behind them.