A new support group for patients who have a stoma has been set up and will now meet on a monthly basis at the Louise Hamilton Centre, on our hospital site.
This patient led group has been set up by Emma Tills, who has a stoma, and she’s encouraging others to join the group, which will meet either on a Friday afternoon or on Saturday each month for two hours.
Emma says; “The aim is to bring people together so they can have a chat in an informal setting – enjoying a tea, coffee and cake with others with a stoma and sharing experiences and any concerns.”
If you would like more information about the group please visit their Facebook page ‘Inside Out’; https://www.facebook.com/groups/1013218979728252 - or call our Stoma Team on 01493 452427.
Our photo shows Emma, centre, with Stoma Care nurses Helen and Becky at the first group meeting.