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Cancer patients' high rating for Paget staff

15 September 2023


Cancer patients receiving treatment at the James Paget rate the care provided by staff more highly than people being treated at any other hospital in the country, according to a national survey.

The annual Cancer Patient Experience Survey asked more than more 100,000 people under the care of 133 NHS Trusts to answer 61 questions on a range of subjects covering diagnosis, treatment, communication and support.

Each participating NHS Trust is scored on each question, with responses highlighted that are both above and below ‘expected range.’

Results for the James Paget show that the Trust:

  • is above the expected range in 14 of the 61 questions.
  • has zero questions where responses were below the expected range.
  • is ranked first, with a score of 9.3 for ‘patients average rating of care scored from very poor to very good’ (national average of 8.9)

Questions which resulted in responses above the expected range include:

  • the patient definitely got the right level of support for their overall health and well-being from hospital staff (82%; national average 76%)
  • the whole care team worked well together (94%; national average 90%)
  • administration of care was very good or good (93%; national average 87%)

Macmillan Lead Cancer Nurse for the James Paget Jo Richardson said:

“This is a tremendous set of survey results, which is testament to the hard work of our staff and their commitment to providing the best possible care.

“I am particularly pleased to see that the questions where we have scored above the national average relate to so many different aspects of care and support offered by the team to patients at different stages of their treatment journey.

“It demonstrates that all the team are putting the patient first, whether they are working in our clinical, operational or administrative teams.”

James Paget Chief Executive Jo Segasby said:

“Receiving a cancer diagnosis is concerning and then the treatment that follows can be challenging - so to have patients give such positive feedback underlines how the team are providing much-valued support at a time when it is really needed.

“I would like to congratulate the team on achieving this excellent set of results in the survey, and putting our patients at the heart of all they do.”

The survey, which has been running since 2010, is commissioned and managed by NHS England.

Those eligible to participate included all adult NHS patients with a confirmed primary diagnosis of cancer and those discharged from an NHS Trust after an inpatient episode or day case attendance for cancer-related treatment in the months of April, May and June last year.

The latest survey saw 61,268 out of 115,662 people respond - a response rate of 53%.

The results of the survey are used to monitor progress on cancer care; help drive quality improvements; assist commissioners and providers of cancer care; and inform the work of charities and groups supporting cancer patients.

For more information on the survey, please click here: Latest local results - National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (

Our cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists are photographed below. 

Some of our Clinical Nurse Specialists are pictured in a group in our Louise Hamilton Centre garden. The group mostly wear dark blue senior nurse uniforms. Some of the group are seated with the rest standing around them. They are all smiling and there is a yellow wall behind them.