A team of staff from the James Paget will be taking part in an Inflatable 10K obstacle course at the Norfolk Showground on Saturday, 23 September, to raise money to purchase a Reminiscence/ Rehabilitation and Interactive Therapy Activities (RITA) device for patients at our hospital.
RITA is a touchscreen device that offers digital reminiscence therapy that assists patients with cognitive impairment – including those who may have had a stroke, may be living with dementia or who may have learning disabilities or autism – to recall and share events from their past through listening to music, watching news reports and films, playing games and singing along. It can help those who may be feeling scared or vulnerable in a hospital environment and help with rehabilitation.
While the hospital already has two of the devices, the benefit to patients has been recognised and the team would like to purchase another one for use.
To raise the money the team are taking part in the inflatable run event and will aim to complete the 10 kilometre route which is twice around the 5K course of 32 giant inflatable obstacles.
Safeguarding Practitioner Gemma Lister, one of those taking part, said; “Myself and some of my lovely colleagues – RITA Champions – from all over the organisation, including members of the safeguarding team, ward managers, research colleagues, our quality lead, cancer lead nurse, matrons and some of our children will be getting our sweat bands out of storage to take part in the run – and we’ll also be undertaking this in fancy dress, which will be a surprise!
“If anyone would like to support our run you can make a donation via Just Giving; https://www.justgiving.com/page/gemma-lister-1687260927886?utm_term=djnYe7ZeV and please come along and support us on the day by heading to the showground at 11am to cheer us on.”