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Mayors visit the James Paget

21 September 2023

Great Yarmouth Mayor Penny and Lowestoft Mayor Sonia are pictured with staff on Ward 6.  Both mayors wear their chains of office and Penny wears full regalia, a red cloak trimmed in black with a white lacy neck piece. The mayors are surrounded by staff in a variety of uniforms - burgundy health care staff, nurses in dark blue and light blue uniforms and therapies staff in white tunics among others. The group of 13, which includes our Chief Executive Jo and Deputy Chief Nurse Jacky, stand facing the camera and smiling.

Great Yarmouth Mayor Penny Carpenter and Lowestoft Town Mayor Sonia Barker have been visiting our hospital this afternoon to see our new concept ward, to view ward improvements and talk to patients and staff.

The mayors carried out a joint visit and were given a tour of several areas of the hospital, including our children’s ward, by our Deputy Chief Nurse Jacky Copping.

They saw some of the improvements that have been made to Ward 6, including infection control bays, and then viewed the recently opened concept ward which features mostly single-room ensuite accommodation.

They also met with our Chief Executive Jo Segasby before speaking with staff and patients on the wards.