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Public welcome at AGM

08 September 2023

James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is hosting its Annual General Meeting at 6-7pm on Tuesday 26 September 2023 – and it is open to anyone to attend.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) provides an opportunity to hear about the work we have done over the previous year, and find out more information about our Annual Report, Quality Report and Accounts.

In the afternoon before the AGM, the hospital will also be holding a series of stands and presentations under the banner ‘Improving Together’, showcasing the innovative ways that staff across the James Paget have improved the quality of services provided for patients.

Jo Segasby, Chief Executive of James Paget Hospital, said: “Our staff are really passionate about the projects they are working on that improve the experience our patients have when being cared for at our hospital – as well as the innovations that help our services run effectively.”

“’Improving Together’ and our AGM is a great opportunity to explore the progress we are making at the James Paget, our vision for the future, and our plans for our New Hospital – and we would be delighted to have members of our community come and attend.”

‘Improving Together’ will take place at the Burrage Centre at the James Paget, and will be open to the public from 4pm and 6pm on Tuesday 26 September. The hospital’s Annual General Meeting commences at 6pm, and will take place in the Lecture Theatre at the Burrage Centre.

If you wish to attend the AGM, please contact to confirm. Attendees are welcome to visit the ‘Improving Together’ stands before the AGM starts at 6pm.

The Trust holds its Annual Members' Meeting/Annual General Meeting in September each year.

The James Paget’s Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23 are available here:

The James Paget’s Quality Account 2022-23 is available here: