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World Sepsis Day

13 September 2023

Sepsis Day 2023 Compilation Image - this is a square image made up of 21 separate photographs. Each of the 21 photos features members of our team with between one and eight people in each image. The team members each hold a piece of paper saying 'we are' or 'my name is' with the team or individual name on and we/ I support World Sepsis Day on it.  The photos feature staff in a variety of uniforms - nurses, doctors, pharmacy, ambulance and allied health professionals among them. 

Our team have been raising awareness this week ahead of World Sepsis Day – today, Wednesday 13 September - to highlight the signs of Sepsis and the need for fast and effective treatment.

Sepsis happens when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs. It may lead to shock, multi-organ failure, and death – especially if not recognised early and treated promptly.

Sepsis is responsible for at least 11 million deaths worldwide each year with between 47 and 50 million cases every year. Sepsis is a medical emergency. Signs of Sepsis can include slurred speech or confusion, extreme shivering or muscle pain/ fever, passing no urine all day, severe breathlessness and mottled or discoloured skin.

This week the team have been visiting wards to raise awareness and there is a stand outside our Chapel today to provide more information. Our staff pictured are all supporting the day.  

Find out more at and learn about the symptoms of Sepsis at