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Cancer Prevention Action Week

21 February 2024


This week – Monday 19 to Sunday 25 February - is Cancer Prevention Action Week and there’s currently a stall outside our hospital chapel giving more information.

A photo of the Cancer Prevention Action Week stall outside our Chapel. This is a table with a blue display board on it, with a number of leaflets on the table and flyers of information on the display board which says 'Cancer Care Navigators' at the top. On the left of the image is a green and white pull-up banner which says 'Living with and beyond cancer' and has a signpost on, along with more information about the Macmillan Cancer Care Navigator service.

You’ll be able to pick up leaflets and find out more about our Cancer Care Navigator team.

The week is run by the World Cancer Research Fund to focus on changes to daily habits that can reduce the risk of preventable cancers. This year the emphasis is on encouraging people to move more as physical activity can help protect against some cancers – with the campaign using the social media #MakeYourMove

About 1,100 people are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK but it’s estimated that 40% of cancer cases could be prevented. Making small and consistent changes to your life can help and this doesn’t mean you need to go for a 10k run. Dancing in the kitchen, stretching when you have a few moments and moving rather than sitting all count. Even tiny amounts of activity can help – walking up the stairs, a ten-minute walk to the shops, lifting a weight while the kettle is boiling. This is known as exercise snacking – a short burst of activity that, if done throughout the day, every day, add up.

To find out more you might like to read; 

Cancer Prevention Action Week 2024 graphic which has purple writing on a yellow background saying #MakeYourMove, the dates 19 to 25 February and the World Cancer Research Fund logo on. There is a cartoon-style image of a woman who appears to be dancing, with musical notes around her and a pot on a stove-top behind her. A small dog - similar to a cartoon corgi - jumps around at her feet.