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Paget receives Carer Friendly Tick Accreditation

26 January 2024

Amanda Hood, Sue Francis and James Paget Chief Executive Jo Segasby stand in an office area Jo holding the accreditation certificate, which is in a black frame.  

The James Paget University Hospital has received the Carer Friendly Tick Accreditation in recognition of the support the team at the hospital provide to Carers and those they care for.

The accreditation is awarded by the Caring Together Charity to recognise organisations who provide services and initiatives to support and work in collaboration with Carers.  The charity assesses applications to see if organisations meet a number of criteria including that they have a named member of the team as a champion for carers, have an agreement developed to help identify and support carers, they cover issues relating to carers in staff training, they display information about carers and projects that support them, and that they raise awareness in Carers Week, on Young Carers Action Day and on Carers Rights Day.

The James Paget provides a range of support for Carers and also hold events to mark Carers days.

Sue Francis, Family Carer Lead at the Louise Hamilton Centre, said; “We now run seven different support groups for Carers, including groups for those supporting someone with cancer, and we hold a variety of events, which have included a Carers afternoon strawberry tea, to celebrate National Carers Week.”

If anyone requires more information on the groups please contact Sue on 01493 453100.

Sue, who works for our hospital trust, and Emma Jones, from Suffolk Family Carers, who is our Hospital Family Carer Advisor, are among those who provide support for carers while their loved one is in hospital, and beyond.

Emma says; “I am extremely passionate about supporting family carers and am very proud of the work we have achieved. I am currently looking at other ways in which we can support and identify carers to ensure that they feel recognised and supported whilst visiting our hospital.”

For any carer support whilst using our hospital please contact Emma on 01493 453831.

Amanda Hood, Head of Patient Experience and Engagement at the James Paget, said; “Achieving the Carer Friendly Tick award is one of the milestones of the James Paget’s five-year Patient and Public Engagement Plan, which outlines how we will meaningfully engage with patients and Carers to understand and support what matters to them, and improve the services we provide.”

For more Carers information please visit our website;  You can read our Patient and Public Engagement Plan here:

To find out more about Caring Together please visit;

Our photos show Amanda Hood, Sue Francis and James Paget Chief Executive Jo Segasby with the accreditation certificate, and Amanda with Emma Jones.

Amanda and Emma stand holding the certiciate between them. Part of the exterior of the hospital building is visible behind them.