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Equinor television donation

25 July 2024


The James Paget has received two large screen TVs from Equinor UK Ltd after the company generously donated the equipment to support our hospital.

The two large TVs – one 55-inch and the other 65-inch - that were no longer needed by the company, were dropped off on Friday and are the third equipment donation from the Great Yarmouth branch of the energy provider, who have previously donated hand sanitising stations to our Infection Prevention and Control team and large whiteboards to our Cancer Care Navigator and Ward 12 therapies team.

The TVs are likely to be used on our Ward 18 Discharge Lounge, so patients awaiting discharge will have some entertainment while the final preparations are made for their return home.

Equinor UK Ltd are at the forefront of wind power innovation, developing the world’s largest offshore wind farm Dogger Bank, and the Great Yarmouth office, based at South Denes, is where Equinor carry out the operations and maintenance of the Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon wind farms.

We’d like to thank Tanya and all of the team at Equinor for their support for our hospital and our patients.

Tanya and a colleague from Equinor are pictured outside the front of our hospital with on e of the large screen TVs. The entrance to our Emergency Department is visible behind them with the large blue heart with white NHS written on it on the ground in the foreground of the photo. The two women hold up the large TV, which is resting on the ground.