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Veterans morning gets Jeep visit

27 June 2024

Members of the Louise Hamilton Centre team and those who support our Veterans Coffee Mornings pose with the Jeeps and their owners outside the Centre. Nine people are pictured standing in front of the Jeeps - two of which are green and the 1942 Jeep is sandy in colour.  

Visitors to our Veterans Coffee Morning yesterday were greeted by the sight of three military Jeeps outside the Louise Hamilton Centre – with the vehicles including one made in the United States, in 1942, which saw service in north Africa with the Desert Rats, and the early days of the SAS.

The Jeeps were parked outside the Centre to mark Armed Forces Week, giving a point of interest for veterans attending the coffee morning and passersby.  They were brought to the event by the Norfolk Military Vehicle Group after our Armed Forces Advocate Chris Blyth had asked if it might be possible for a vehicle to visit for the day, with the Jeeps being brought from Winterton and Lowestoft by their owners.  A number of other items of authentic equipment – from jerry cans to de-activated weapons - were also on view.

Among the Jeeps was the 1942 Willys vehicle which, at 82 years old, is still driven to events. The vehicle has previously been used in BBC dramas and at Normandy anniversaries, and is regularly taken to different locations in the area and further afield.

It will next be out, with other vehicles, for Armed Forces Day on Saturday, 29 June, on display in the Euston Road/ Marine Parade area. It will also appear at Martham Carnival and at Remembrance Day events, in support of the Royal British Legion, later in the year.

Among those taking a look at the Jeeps were some of the Louise Hamilton Centre team, who support Chris Blyth with the Veterans Coffee Morning events, providing food for guests, and the team from the Marks & Spencer café, in our front foyer, who are supporting Armed Forces Week through an offer to our staff veterans.

Two members of staff from our in-house M&S team are pictured with the 1942 Jeep and Armed Forces Advicate Chris. One of the women sits in the Jeep, which is open top, while the other stands alonside the vehicle.