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National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day

15 March 2024


Today is National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day and we’re celebrating our teams who provide support to patients and thanking them for their hard work and commitment.

Friday 15 March 2024 is the third #NationalCancerCNSDay and the event aims to highlight the important role that our nurse specialists play in supporting those with a cancer diagnosis.

On average, someone is diagnosed with cancer every 90 seconds in England. Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists are experts in their field and their skills help guide and care for patients from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond.

They are pivotal in the coordination and delivery of care and provide practical, physical and emotional support at a time when it is most needed.

As an essential part of our multi-disciplinary teams, Clinical Nurse Specialists are often also involved in education and research and provide specialist advice, symptom control and signposting to other services.  CNSs are usually the first point of contact when a patient requires any support and they continue to be involved in their care for many years.

Thank you to all our Clinical Nurse Specialist teams, some of whom are featured here.

The first of four Clinical Nurse Specialist Day 2024 graphics, which have a photo of the team on a blue background with white writing and logos around it. This one features our Colorectal Nursing team - four women in nursing uniforms - and has the National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day logo top left and the James Paget logo close to the name of the team and the names of the nurses - Rachel, Linda, Laura and Stephanie.

The second of four Clinical Nurse Specialist Day 2024 graphics, which have a photo of the team on a blue background with white writing and logos around it. This one features our Dermatology Nursing team - two women in nursing uniforms and has the National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day logo top left and the James Paget logo close to the name of the team and the names of the nurses – Leanne and Helen.

The third of four Clinical Nurse Specialist Day 2024 graphics, which have a photo of the team on a blue background with white writing and logos around it. This one features our Head & Neck team – four women, three in nursing uniforms - and has the National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day logo top left and the James Paget logo close to the name of the team and the names of the team – Jenny, Vanessa, Bincy and Tegan.

The fourth of four Clinical Nurse Specialist Day 2024 graphics, which have a photo of the team on a blue background with white writing and logos around it. This one features our Lung Cancer Nursing team – three women and one man in nursing uniforms - and has the National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day logo top left and the James Paget logo close to the name of the team and the names of the team – Laura, Emma, Emily and Gordon.