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Dying Matters Awareness Week

09 May 2024
The Dying Matters stand outside our hospital chapel. This is a white table with a three-sided blue board set up on the table. The boards and the table are covered with leaflets and information, including pamplets you can take away.
Our palliative care team are highlighting Dying Matters Awareness Week, which runs until 12 May.
The theme this year is ‘the way we talk about dying matters’ - so we’re focussing on the language we use, and the conversation we have, around death and dying - specifically between our staff and patients, their families and carers.
The palliative care team have set up information stands outside our Chapel and in the Louise Hamilton Centre - and yesterday arranged for the live-streaming of the 35th Norfolk Palliative Care Conference which is involving partners from across palliative and end of life care in Norfolk.
A Dying Matters Awareness Week graphic which features a photograph of two people smiling on a yellow/ orange coloured background and the words 'The way we talk about dying matters' 6-12 May 2024 #TheWayWeTalkAboutDyingMatters.