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Adult inpatient survey

02 October 2024


Have you been an inpatient at our hospital? Would you like to shape an important national healthcare survey?

The NHS Patient Survey Programme and Care Quality Commission are looking for patients to participate in focus groups to help develop the 2024 Adult Inpatient Survey.

They want to recruit a selection of patients across England to join a 90-minute informal patient group discussion on their experiences of using NHS inpatient services. Feedback from these discussions will help develop the 2024 Adult Inpatient questionnaire.  This important survey looks at the experiences of people who stayed at least one night in hospital as an inpatient.

To get involved, people must be 16 years or older and have used an NHS Adult Inpatient service at least once in the last 6 months. Participants will be asked to complete a simple screening survey to ensure a representative sample.

For more information, or to volunteer, email or call 01865 208127.

Inpatient survey poster, which has the NHS logo (white NHS on a rectangular blue background) and the Care Quality Commission logo (a purple Q) at the top. The poster then gives details similar to the text above along with - 'Take part in a 90-minute informal patient group discussion to help us develop a survey on the experience of using inpatient services. You'll receive a £40 voucher as a thank you.'