Friends & Family Test
The NHS Friends and Family Test was rolled out across NHS-funded services in April 2013.
It aims to instigate a culture of continuous improvement in the NHS by providing a simple headline metric which, when combined with follow-up questions can provide insight into good practice and lead to improvements in the quality of NHS care.
It enables the views of patients and their families to be heard and provides a platform to shape and deliver better services.
The Friends and Family Test is used to gain feedback in both Inpatient and Outpatient areas. The test is a simple, comparable test which, when combined with a follow-up question, provides a mechanism to identify both good and bad performance and encourages staff to make improvements where services do not live up to expectations.
It will mean that staff from “Board to Ward” have access to up to date patient feedback and this will enable staff to take immediate action to tackle areas of weak performance and build on success.
To give another option you can now complete Family and Friends feedback online here;
Below is an example of the Friends and Family Feedback Card used on our wards.