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Our Patient Travel Office, in the front foyer of the hospital

Note to JPUH visitors - Please be considerate of local residents should you choose to park off-site by taking care not to block garages, driveways and turnings as residents are experiencing difficulties accessing their properties.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to visit the hospital.

The Trust has a clear car parking policy in place and offers free parking to disabled visitors and those who attend regular outpatient appointments, subject to certain criteria - please visit our concessionary parking page for more details.

We use a number of measures to help frequent visitors, including a discounted tariff for families of long stay and critically ill patients and a 30 minute free parking period.

The income received from car parking is invested in a range of car parking improvements for our patients, visitors and staff. These include security, maintenance and increasing the number of spaces available on the hospital site.

Here you will find details on where to park and how much it costs.

Further information can be found in our parking leaflet.

  • Car parks marked A and B are reserved for patients and visitors to the site.

    Spaces for disabled badge holders are available at the front of the hospital and the front row of Car Park A.

    Located outside the main entrance is a Drop Off/Collection Zone. You will be able to park free for 10 minutes to drop off or pick up patients or visitors from the Main Entrance.  In both Car Parks A and B you will be able to park free for the first 30 minutes to drop off if you need more time.

    • You will be issued with a chip coin on entry.
    • Take this chip coin with you – please do not leave your chip coin in the car.
    • Attend your appointment or visit your friend/relative.
    • When you are ready to leave pay at the pay machine in the Main Entrance – taking the validated chip coin with you to your car.
    • If you need it, Help buttons linked by intercom to Portering and Security staff are available at each machine and barrier, including out of hours, and are able to give advice on where to park and general queries
    • The Patients' Travel Office in the Main Entrance Foyer will assist with general car parking and travel queries between 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4.30pm on Friday.
  • Charges are as follows:

    • 30 minutes FREE
    • Up to 2 hours - £3.00
    • 2 to 3 hours - £3.50
    • 3 to 4 hours - £4.50
    • Over 4 hours and up to 24 hours - £6.50 

    Parking can be paid for with cash, by credit/ debit card or by contactless payment via your card or phone.

Patients' Travel Office

Located in the Main Foyer, this office offers the following service between the hours of 9:00 - 17:00 Monday to Thursday and 9:00 - 16:30 on Friday:

  • General enquiries reguarding concessional car parking and help towards travel costs.
  • Validation of chipcoins for Blue Badge holders.
  • Issue of chip coins for reduced tariff parking.