Disabled Car Parking
Please present your slips and badges to Main Reception desk between 17:00 - 20:00 (Monday to Friday).
Registered disabled badge holders displaying a blue badge have access to spaces at the front of the hospital and on the front row of Car Park A. Blue badge holders are not required to pay for parking.
Please speak to the ward or clinic where you or your relative is being treated for further information if you have any queries.
How to validate blue badge holders exit chip coins
Normal clinic hours
Blue badge holders must present a valid blue badge to the patients' Travel Office in the front foyer of the hospital to have their chip coin validated.
Insert chip coin into the exit barrier machine on leaving.
Please ensure the clock part of your blue badge is left in your vehicle and is clearly visible while you get your chip coin validated. This will serve to inform the Car Parking Officers that your vehicle is legitimately parked in a Disabled space.
Outside clinic hours
Press the help button on the exit barrier machine, where it will be opened remotely by a member of staff.