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No smoking symbol - a cigarette in a red outlined circle with diagonal red line acrossSmoking

The James Paget University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is a smokefree zone. 

We recognise the requirement to promote health and reduce ill-health. 

All Trust buildings and their surroundings (sites) are smokefree environments.

Designated shelters are available, outside the main hospital building, at the front and the back of the site, for vaping. This policy applies to patients, visitors and staff who are employees of the Trust, contractors or other agencies working on Trust sites. 

If you're looking for help and support to stop smoking you can call the local NHS Stop Smoking Service, Smokefree Norfolk, on 0800 0854 113 or, if you live in the Lowestoft or wider Waveney area, Feel Good Suffolk on 0345 603 4060

You can also visit the NHS Smokefree website for help and resources.

