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Integrated Therapies

Who are we? 

001 JAMES PAGET DAY 1 2020

We aim to deliver the best quality care and develop effective working relationships, both within and outside the Trust for our patient’s benefit.

We all work together in integrated specialist teams, overseen by a Service Operational Manager for Integrated Therapies.

Integration of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy brings with it a number of benefits including: 

  • Patients receive more co-ordinated treatment packages and better quality of care.
  • Both professions benefit from a greater breadth of learning.  Core knowledge and skills between the professions are identified and training addressed consistently and more efficiently across both groups. 

Our department is welcoming and friendly, and has strong links with our local Community Services and Social Services partners.  We constantly review our staffing skill mix and structure to meet the changing needs of the local population accessing our services, alongside the development needs of staff.  

Table showing the Integrated Therapies Management Team Structure headed by the allied health professions assistant director

Staff Wellbeing

JPUH has a strong commitment to supporting flexible working and will support you in positively exploring ways in which you can better balance your work and personal life. We provide flexible shift patterns and some of our staf work nine-day fortnights, work their hours in 12 hour days, and have opportunities to work from home when doing non-clinical work.

Fun Run

The team also have opportunities to get together outside of work. They've previously arranged beach trips, fun runs and nights out together! Through events like these our teams become closer, have more fun and look out for eachother. They can then work better together to strengthen the team and deliver the best patient care.

Therapies Night Out



Below you will find some of the projects that our team have been working on. Click on the icons below to find out more, you may even be inspired...

Conferences and Presentations   Publications   Research   Media


The video below is from the 2021 Royal College of Occupational Therapy Conference, where Our Senior Occupational Therapist in trauma and orthopaedics, Kate Lacey and our Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist in trauma and orthopaedics, Mellisa Taylor present their findings on the Identification and management of acute delirium: An emerging role for Occupational Therapists.

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