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Insulin Safety Week

09 July 2020


Our Diabetes Specialist Nursing team have had to reduce the number of activities they could do this year for Insulin Safety Week but that hasn’t stopped them from raising awareness among their health care colleagues.

Insulin Safety Week 2020C

The week is all about highlighting good practice to reduce insulin errors and ensure the right person gets the right insulin, in the right dose and via the right device, in the right way and at the right time.

The team have had a stand outside our chapel this week to give more information and encourage our staff to work to support patients with diabetes, and have been talking with their colleagues to provide guidance about best practice.  

They’ve also highlighted some top tips for patients;


NEVER omit insulin!

REMEMBER to inject your rapid/mixed insulins before meals at the due time

CHECK the name of the insulin when you receive it from pharmacy – make sure it is the right one

ALWAYS use a new needle for each insulin injection

REMEMBER to rotate injection sites

CHECK injection sites for areas of lipohypertrophy

CAUTION with cold and hot weather: if the insulin is too cold/freezes or if it gets too hot, it will lose its proprieties and won’t work

If CONCERNED do not hesitate to contact us or your community diabetes team.

Insulin Safety Week 2020A