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Patients & Visitors

Find the information you need to prepare you for your visit.

A photograph compilation of staff images, including our Theatres team in scrubs, a senior nurse, a consultant and a group of nurses

Why choose the JPUH?

We are a high performing Trust where safe, effective care for our patients is at the heart of everything we do.

We embrace the duty of candour. This means that we are open and honest about the challenges we face and where we could do better, but we also celebrate our successes. 

Our vision and more about the organisation and our priorities can be found here. 


Our Values

Our Values were refreshed in April 2023 with engagement from staff, patients and carers.

Our Values are more than nice words. Every person working in our Trust is accountable for upholding them through their own behaviour and constructively challenging behaviours that do not align.

Our Values shape how we approach everything we do, and align to the NHS People Promise, which applies to everyone working in the NHS.

Collaboration - We work positively with others to achieve shared aims

Accountability - We act with professionalism and integrity, delivering what we commit to, embedding learning when things for not go to plan

Respect - We are anti-discriminatory, treating people fairly and creating a sense of belonging and pride

Empowerment - We speak out when things don't feel right, we are innovative and make changes to support continuous improvement

Support - We are compassionate, listen attentively and are kind to ourselves and each other. 

Our values graphic. A photograph of a woman in blue scrubs, wearing a blue face mask, holding a blood pressure machine cuff, is on the right hand side, with Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, Empowerment and Support written down the left hand side. The graphic also features our 'Proud of the Paget hashtag.


Investment in our people and services

We continue to invest in our staff and the services we offer to provide a safer and greater consistency of care.

Major building projects have been completed including the £8m investment in a state of the art Day Case Unit, our new Ambulatory Care Unit and upgrades to our existing operating theatres and our endoscopy decontamination unit.

Work to refurbish our foyer and the A&E department continues so that we can provide modern facilities to our patients and staff.

Our solar farm is helping us deliver significant savings on our electricity costs.

More than 50% of the electrical power requirements for our hospital are now generated by 'green' technologies. We purchase goods, services and food from local sources where we can. And we are looking to recycle more than we do already. You can read more about this on our Environment and Sustainabilty page here and in our latest annual report. 


Don’t just take our word for it……


Friends and Family test (FFT)

When patients receive care or treatment as an inpatient, in our Accident and Emergency (A&E) department or using Maternity services, they are given the opportunity to state whether or not they would recommend the department to friends or family if they needed similar care or treatment.

We continue to be ranked in the top 50% trusts in England and in addition are well placed above the ‘average’ response rate for England. 

For more information on the Friends and Family test, please click here.


The NHS website


NHS Electronic Referral Service

The national Electronic Referral Service (also known as e-Referral Service or e-RS) gives patients a choice of place, date and time for their first outpatient appointment in a hospital or clinic.

Patients can choose their hospital or clinic and then book an appointment to see a specialist. The appointments can be booked with the help of a member of the practice team at the GP surgery, at home by telephone or over the internet at a time that is more convenient.

To view services available at the James Paget University Hospital and for more information about the e-Referral Service please visit the NHS website.

Or visit the NHS e-Referral Service website here.


Your right to choose

If you choose to come to this hospital and use our services but are not satisfied for any reason, we want to deal with any issues you have through our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team.

You can request to be transferred to another service and your information will be transferred with you. If there is a very good reason why this cannot be done this would be fully explained to you.

If you feel you would like a second or further opinion on your health condition from a different healthcare professional, please do not hesitate to ask. This may involve speaking to a healthcare professional in hospital or your GP. 

There is some treatment available through the NHS that is not automatically available for all patients. This might be funding for a specific kind of drug or for cosmetic surgery.

If a patient feels they have a need for a certain kind of treatment that is not “routinely funded” through the NHS they will need to talk to their doctor or another clinician about this. If you would like further information on this and the treatments, please click here.