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Patient Safety

Nurse offering medication to a patientImproving patient safety is only one way to transform the way we work, but it’s the one at the heart of everything we do.

Every day our staff come to work wanting to do the very best they can for patients. We know there are many excellent examples of good practice within the Trust that are making a real difference to patient care. This is no mean feat considering the extensive and complex nature of healthcare and the volume of patients we care for every day.   
Providing care for these patients involves lots of different activities and interventions from staff. 

The National Patient Safety Agency reports that nationally approximately one in ten patients experience an incident that puts their health at risk when they are in hospital. An estimated 50% of these incidents are avoidable.

At the James Paget we want to reduce and eliminate the likelihood of our patients experiencing harm as a result of an avoidable adverse incident or error and these statistics are what make patient safety a real and meaningful issue for us to want to make improvements.

You can access information about the JPUH here.
Improving Patient Safety graphic - please click here for more information