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New baby cots for our Maternity Ward

19 October 2021


A brand new type of baby cot has kindly been donated by the Lion’s Club for our Maternity Ward. The Croyde Height Adjustable Cots provides easier, closer contact between the mother and baby after a caesarean birth. As you can see from the pictures, the new cots put the baby directly in front of the mother, giving her constant access and the opportunity for more skin-to-skin contact. Benefits include:

  • The mother can stay in bed recovering and be close to her baby.
  • When she feels tired she can safely put the baby back into the cot.
  • The cot can be raised and lowered in one simple, hands-free movement. It is then positioned at the ideal height for the mother or the attending midwife.
  • The cot eliminates unnecessary bending or the mother, and reduces musculoskeletal strains for the midwife.
  • It is supplied with a clip-on basket or optional foldable shelf for the storage of baby-changing materials. 
  • The Croyde Height Adjustable Cot glides underneath the hospital bed

Here are some more interesting facts about the new cot:

  • The assessment and management of babies who are accidentally dropped in hospital” was the title of a NHS patient safety alert released in May 2019 – *NHS/PSA/RE/2019/002  
  • The report states that it assessed the NRLS for incident dates between 01/09/2017 and 31/08/2018 and identified a total of 250 reports of babies that were accidentally dropped.
  • 182 reports were from obstetric/midwifery units, where most incidents “were the result of mothers accidentally dropping their baby or losing hold of their babies when drowsy or asleep”.
  • The Croyde height adjustable cot has been designed to improve neonatal patient safety and provide safer, closer contact between mothers and babies. 

One of the new cots is pictured over an empty bed, showing how it can be used in close proximity.