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Reasonable adjustments

A man in a yellow shirt sits in front of a painting of a landscapeThere is a legal requirement for reasonable adjustments to be made at the JPUH to ensure that all patients receive the best standard of care.

These include:

  • Ensuring a learning disability risk assessment is completed for each patient on admission.
  • Using a hospital communication booklet so that patients with learning disabilities and/or autism can communicate with doctors and nurses.
  • Using electronic alerts on patient records.
  • Providing extra support for patients and their carers. For example, by providing an extra member of staff or flexible visiting for carers.
  • Working directly with patients and their families/carers to assist them with admission to hospital and to liaise with specialist teams and hospital staff to identify the support required. For example, clinic and pre-operative visits and co-ordinate discharge planning.
  • Supporting and enabling acute services to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ within their care delivery for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.
  • Providing additional support for patients with learning disabilities and/or Autism when they access acute hospital services.
  • Actively promoting the needs and rights of people with a learning disability and/or autism, including issues of consent, right to treatment and mental capacity.
  • Raising awareness of the specific health needs of people with a learning disability and/or autism and providing person centred risk assessments that outline interventions and measures to reduce risks.
  • Acting as an advocate for patients/carers and their families.
  • Working closely with colleagues in primary care to help patients who are coming in for planned appointments and procedures; preparing them for their hospital stay and making their experience less stressful.

Providing education and training for front-line staff to increase awareness of the needs of patients who have a learning disability and/or autism and how to adapt and plan care for them.

Watch the video, 'It all helps - 5 core reasonable adjustments'