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What if I have complications?


Our team will aim to look after you throughout your pregnancy and will refer you to the appropriate service or professional should this be required.

If any complications arise, or if you have a known medical problem that may affect your pregnancy, your midwife will refer you to an obstetrician who may then become the lead professional in your care. Your midwife may also refer you to other colleagues, which could include a physiotherapist, dietician, anaesthetist or psychologist. This will help provide you with the information you may need to make informed choices about your care.

Your midwife will continue to be involved and will provide you with help and support.

There are also options for the closer monitoring of your pregnancy – including admission to hospital if this is necessary.


Fetal medicine

Our fetal medicine specialists provide individualised care for pregnant women and their families when there may be concern about the health of an unborn baby. They will be able to give you information and the opportunity for you to talk through any concerns.

The team diagnose and provide guidance and support on things including;

  • Chromosomal abnormalities and genetic conditions
  • Fetal conditions requiring surgical follow-up after birth
  • Fetal anomalies
  • Twin and higher multiple pregnancies

Pre-existing medical conditions

Depending on your pre-existing medical condition, you may be referred to an obstetrician during your pregnancy. If you have any queries or concerns please speak with your midwife or obstetrician who will be able to advise you. 


Endocrine clinic

The endocrine clinic is for women with pre-existing diabetes or gestational diabetes and those with thyroid issues. The clinic aims to help you have a healthy pregnancy and the team available to support you includes midwives, doctors and dieticians.


Vaginal birth after Caesarean

It’s our recommendation that women who have had one previous uncomplicated Caesarean section plan to have a vaginal birth after Caesarean (VBAC). 

If you have had one uncomplicated Caesarean section and have no problems in your pregnancy, we will discuss this with you and encourage you to attend a VBAC workshop after your 20-week scan. 

This will explain both the benefits and potential complications of both VBAC and a second caesarean to help you make a decision about what is right for you. This is both informal and informative and you can ask questions if you wish. Your midwife or obstetrician will also talk to you about how you feel about trying for a VBAC in routine appointments and also ask about your birth preferences.