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The Cove Children's Clinic


We provide Outpatient Services for Children and Young People, from birth to transition to adult care, at the James Paget University Hospital and in community clinics. We have a range of specialties within our department, as well as visiting consultants from other hospitals for outreach clinics.

Our childrens clinic team Sister stands at the door to the clinic, opening it


What services are provided?

Visiting consultants from other hospitals, providing outreach services for:

  • Cardiology from Great Ormond Street
  • Renal Medicine from Nottingham
  • Paediatric Surgery from Norfolk & Norwich Hospital
  • Cystic Fibrosis Clinics from Norfolk & Norwich Hospital

Story-time; A young girl with her back to the camera with members of our team - a woman in a dark blue uniform top and a man in a short sleeve light coloured check shirt who holds a story book up and open so pictures are visible.

How can I get a referral?

We take referrals from GPs, health visitors, school nurses, and other healthcare professionals.


Where is the department located?

The main department is in the James Paget University Hospital on the ground floor off the South Corridor. Follow the sea creatures on the walls from main reception.


What are the opening times?

Monday to Friday 08.30 – 17:00

We are open one Saturday a month from 08.30 - 1700.


How can I contact the department?

The contact number for Children’s Outpatients is 01493 453914, all appointment enquiries can be made to this number and there is an answer machine.