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Acute Cardiac Unit (ACU)

Opening Times: 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the year.
Telephone: 01493 453198.
Location: First floor, off the east corridor by Ward 2.

The Acute Cardiac Unit is a nine bedded unit that provides care for adult patients with a range of acute cardiac conditions. These conditions include heart attacks, heart failure and heart rhythm problems.

A small team of 25 staff delivers the care of these patients. The staff members include 1 Ward Manager, 4 Sister/Charge Nurses, 13 Staff Nurses, 6 Health Care Assistants and a Housekeeper.

Once patients have been stabilised, they may be transferred to Ward 2 (cardiology ward) or another NHS provider.

The Unit has close links with the cardiac services at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital and Papworth hospital. These provide other cardiac interventions, which are not available at the JPUH.


What services are provided?

  • Care of patients with acute cardiac conditions.
  • Daycase procedures including Cardioversions, Transoesophageal Echoes and Dobutamine Stress Echoes.
  • Temporary pacing wire insertion.

How can I get a referral?

Referral to the Unit for acute admissions is via the Accident and Emergency department, EADU and other wards within the Trust. Patients can also be transferred to the Unit from the NNUH or Papworth hospital after receiving specialist treatments.


What are the opening times?

The Unit provides a 24 hour service.

Visiting times are 14:30 - 16:30 and 18:30 - 20:00 daily.

ACU adhere to a strict two visitors per bed policy and No children under 10 years old.

Key staff

Key staff

Lead Cardiologist: Dr Toomas Sarev

Dr Santosh Nair

Dr Sunil Nair

Dr Sreekumar Sulfi

Ward Manager: Senior Sister Sarah Cox

Sisters: Lindsay Pullinger, Fay Harvey, Swastee Seetul

ACS Specialist Nurses: Sister Julie Wash, Sister Nicki Cattermole, Sister Emily Miller

Charge Nurse/Cardiac Nurse Specialist: Nigel Plant