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Opening Times: Please see the information below.
Telephone: Adult Audiology enquires & appointments - 01493 452354, Paediatric Audiology enquiries & appointments - 01493 452353
Location: Ground floor, between Pharmacy and the Department of Medicine.

The department, based at the James Paget University Hospital, provides a full service for people of all ages who have hearing difficulties, from initial hearing assessment to provision of hearing aid(s) and their ongoing maintenance and repair. Specialist vestibular (balance) and Hearing Therapy services including tinnitus management are also provided. 


What services are provided?

• Initial hearing assessment (Direct Referral)
• Hearing aid fittings including rehabilitation
• Hearing aid reviews
• Reassessment clinics (for existing hearing aid users)
•  Hearing aid repair clinics
• Audiological support for the Ear Nose & Throat department
• Advanced audiological testing
• Newborn Hearing Screening
• Paediatric Hearing services
• Vestibular (Balance) assessments
•  Hearing Therapy 
• Tinnitus management & counselling


How can I get a referral?
If you have never had a hearing aid issued by the James Paget University Hospital you will need a referral from your GP.
Patients who have had a hearing aid issued by this department and are experiencing further difficulties should contact us directly.

What are the opening times?
Phone lines are open 09:00 – 16:00 Monday to Friday
Appointments are available Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 18:00 and Friday 08:30 – 17:30.
We offer a booked appointment system only for all types of appointment.
Please do not attend the department without booking an appointment.


How can I contact the department?
For general enquires and appointment bookings please phone the Audiology department: 01493 452354
Phone lines are open 09:00 - 13:00 & 13:30 - 16:00 Monday to Friday. 

Please note the department is closed on bank holidays.  Occasionally, due to the volume of calls, you may find that you are connected to the answer phone. All messages will receive a call back. 

Other ways to contact the department are listed below
Typetalk: 1800101493452354
Text: 07920 246656
Newborn Hearing Screening Programme & Paediatric Audiology office: 01493 452353



If you, or someone you know, would like to make a charitable donation to support the work of the Audiology department, please view the donations page on our website by clicking here

If you do choose to make a donation, please ensure you make it clear that this is for Audiology as the specific purpose.