Louise Hamilton Centre
The Louise Hamilton Centre, which was officially opened in April 2013, provides services for people with life limiting and progressive illness, their families and carers.
The team at the Centre work closely with the voluntary sector, community groups and partners to put the right help in place to meet each individual's needs. Their priority is to support you and your loved ones and to provide a safe haven where you can get information and advice when you need it most.
What services are provided?
The range of support offered includes; telephone support and advice, family carer support, headwear solutions, complementary therapies, welfare and benefits advice, and 'Look Good Feel Better' face-to-face workshop in skincare and makeup for ladies with a cancer diagnosis (or an online alternative).
Services at the Louise Hamilton Centre include:
• Lympheodema clinic
• Cancer Care Navigators
• AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) screening service
• Counselling
• St Elizabeth Hospice
The Centre is also home to a number of support groups, and hosts events, including;
• Inside out - Stoma
• Migraine support group
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Dementia Café
• Early onset Dementia
• Veterans coffee morning for armed service personnel
• Men’s share and talk
• Friends Together - for former carers
• Crafty Quackers
• Carers group
• Journey through the field of Art
• Max’s Legacy - baby and pregnancy loss
• The Robins - loss of a loved one
• Care for us
• Prostate cancer
• Skin cancer
• Head & neck cancer support group
• Walking Beside You
• Cancer companions
• Can-Cer-Vive - support group for those with any form of cancer
• Coffee, Cake and Natter
• Together Against Cancer (T.A.C)
If you are interested in any of the services or support groups please get in touch - you can pop in or call 01493 453100.
Where is the Centre located?
The Louise Hamilton Centre is a distinct separate yellow building located on the James Paget University Hospital grounds. When facing the front of the hospital, near the main entrance, it is to the right of the main building, towards the north-east corner of the site.
The postal address is; Louise Hamilton Centre, James Paget University Hospital, Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 6LA.
How do I access services?
The team offer drop-in advice and support and strive to offer you a same day service but, in the event of it being out of their opening hours, please call and leave your name and a contact telephone number they can reach you on.
Please telephone 01493 453100 and, if necessary, please leave a message - the team will return your call as soon as they can.
Volunteering opportunities
Volunteers play an important role within the Louise Hamilton Centre, welcoming visitors and assisting with other tasks.
They give up their valuable time to help benefit others.
If you or someone you know may be interested in volunteering please get in touch on 01493 453100.