The Anaesthetic Department is a large department within the Trust, comprising of approximately 46 doctors of varying seniority and 5 administrative/secretarial posts. We provide anaesthetic support in many different ways to the whole Trust.
What services are provided?
Our doctors have a wide and varied outlook and provide anaesthetic services and expertise in many areas within the hospital setting:
- Operating Theatres
- Maternity
- Anaesthetic AnteNatal clinic
- Intensive Care/High Dependency Unit
- Community Dentals
- Acute and Chronic Pain
- Endoscopy
Anaesthetic Assessment Clinic – We run a comprehensive outpatient service for patients needing anaesthetic assessments pre operatively
Pre-assessment - We run a comprehensive outpatient service for patients with planned operations
- Teaching – For our own trainees, other hospital staff and medical students
- Teaching – Paramedic students
In addition we provide emergency cover to patients at all times, for example to very sick patients in accident and emergency or those patients requiring intensive care from the wards; on the Labour Ward; and to patients who need emergency operations.
How can I get a referral?
Referrals are made through the surgical pathways or by direct referrals from other clinicians within the hospital. Occasional referrals from GPs also occur.
Key staff

Dr Edward Lams
Dr Ayodele Obideyi
Dr Michal Karlikowski
Dr Pushpa L Nathan