Remarkable People 2019

Employee of the Year - Belinda Burroughes, Senior Sister, Renal Unit
Renal Unit
We are primarily a haemodialysis unit providing dialysis for approximately 100 patients. We run 18 dialysis machines with three ‘shifts’ of patients per day. Dialysis is provided for those people who lose kidney function.
Our team consists of about 14 registered nurses and about 12 health care assistants of differing grades. Two medical consultants attend from the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital several times per week. They usually bring another senior grade doctor with them.
We maintain very close links with the Norfolk & Norwich renal team. The local transplant co-ordinator is based in Norwich and it is also where the nearest home dialysis team can be found.
Our patients have many, varying medical conditions. Diabetes is the most common problem we see leading to kidney failure. High blood pressure is also very common. In addition, there are many other kidney conditions that can lead a person to require dialysis.
We run a small chronic kidney disease service with one specialist nurse practitioner who works closely with the medical team. This service provides certain medications (such as EPO & intravenous iron) and education regarding chronic kidney disease to people in the area.
What services are provided?
- Haemodialysis
- Vascular access review
- Intravenous iron (referrals)
- Chronic kidney disease service
How can I get a referral?
Patients are usually referred to us from the renal medical team. They usually receive referrals from GP’s and other specialist teams.
Key staff

Dr Calum Ross (Medical Lead)
Dr Mahzuz Karim
Senior Sister: Belinda Burroughes
Advanced Nurse Practitioner: Mark Prentice